Lieutenant Colonel Burton was born in Kansas City, Missouri. He enlisted in the Marine Corps in 2001 and served as a radio operator with 24th Marine Regiment and a Financial Management Technician with Marine Corps Mobilization Command. Through the Enlisted Commissioning Program, Lieutenant Colonel Burton was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in 2007.
After graduating Military Police Officer school, Lieutenant Colonel Burton reported to MWSG-37 as the Military Police Liaison, coordinating the stand-up of the 3d MAW Military Police (MP) Company. In January of 2009, Lieutenant Colonel Burton augmented MWSS-371 as their Incident Response Platoon Commander and deployed in March of 2009 with the Squadron to Afghanistan in support of OEF. During the deployment, Lieutenant Colonel Burton and his platoon were assigned the mission of base security for Camp Leatherneck. Lieutenant Colonel Burton also augmented 2d Battalion, 3d Marines as the Police Mentoring OIC. After returning from deployment, he was assigned as the 3d MAW Military Police Company Commander, tasked with the initial standup of the Company.
In 2011, Lieutenant Colonel Burton received orders to MCB Camp Butler, Okinawa, Japan, working for the Provost Marshal Office as the Operations Officer, Deputy Provost Marshal, and interim Provost Marshal. Upon successful completion of his tour in Okinawa, Lieutenant Colonel Burton was selected to attend the Military Police Captains Career Course at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.
Upon Completion of Captains Career Course, Lieutenant Colonel Burton was assigned to Marine Corps Detachment, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. There he formed the Military Police Officer Basic Course, the MOS school for all newly assigned Marine Corps Military Police Officers. Upon completion of his assignment, Lieutenant Colonel Burton was selected for Marine Corps Command and Staff College, Quantico, Virginia.
After graduating Command and Staff College in 2018, Lieutenant Colonel Burton was assigned to 2d Law Enforcement Battalion, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina and assumed the role as Executive Officer. During this period, the Battalion deployed twice to Norway in support of exercise TRIDENT JUNCTURE 19 and COLD RESPONS 20.
In 2020, Lieutenant Colonel Burton was then given orders to Stuttgart, Germany to be the Protection Officer for Marine Corps Forces, Europe and Africa, supporting two Combatant Commanders.
In 2023, Lieutenant Colonel Burton took over as the Battalion Executive Officer for Security and Emergency Services Battalion until its deactivation in 2024 and assumed his current role of acting Directorate, Assistant Chief of Staff Security and Emergency Services.
Lieutenant Colonel Burton has earned a Master of Business Organization and Security Management from Webster University and a Master of Military Studies from Marine Corps University.