
MCB Camp Pendleton

MCB Pendleton Seal


Suicide is defined in the dictionary as the act of killing oneself intentionally. The reasons behind these attempts are numerous; some may attempt suicide to escape a situation that they think is impossible to deal with. The following is a list of indications that a Marine may be considering suicide:


  • Talking about dying, disappearing or harming oneself
  • Giving away ones' belongings
  • Seeking information about how to die and looking to obtain means to commit suicide
  • Loss of activities previously enjoyed. Loss of a relationship, loss of job or money
  • Facing a situation of humiliation or failure
  • A sudden, unexpected switch in personality or emotions
  • Tempting fate by taking reckless or impulsive risks that could lead to death
  • Insomnia, often with early waking or oversleeping, nightmares
  • Loss of appetite and weight, or overeating
  • Feeling worthless, shame, overwhelming guilt or self-hatred
  • Expressing a sense of hopelessness


If you believe a Marine or Sailor you know may be contemplating suicide, ask the question and seek assistance from your chaplain. 

Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
DESTRESS Line - 1-877-476-7734 - Speak anonymously with a live person
Command Chaplains
• MCCS Counseling Services
National Center for PTSD
Military One Source





The Department of Defense has taken steps to increase suicide prevention efforts. They have ordered command stand downs, mandated classes on suicide prevention, and encouraged leadership to ensure that all commanders are taking care of the Service members under their care