The Marine Corps Environmental Compliance and Protection Manual, MCO P5090.2A, establishes the requirements of a conforming Environmental Management System (EMS). Patterned loosely after the international standard contained in ISO 14001, the Marine Corps EMS consists of five management components and 17 interrelated EMS elements. Collectively, the five components and 17 elements provide a “plan-do-check-act” framework that is common to many standard management systems and paradigms.

Camp Pendleton’s EMS employs this framework to advance the interests of both “mission” and the “environment”. In providing environmental management, the EMS ensures that Camp Pendleton’s environmental compliance and resource stewardship obligations are met. In support of mission, the EMS seeks to protect and sustain the Marine Corps continued ability to train on lands that are vital to prepare for the Nation’s defense.
The Commanding General’s environmental policy statement establishes the overarching goals of the EMS. The EMS Manual describes how the 17 EMS elements are performed.
For opportunities on how to participate, or to request information, contact the EMS Coordinator at (760) 725-9771.