
MCB Camp Pendleton

MCB Pendleton Seal

Camp Pendleton’s Storm water Management Program seeks to prevent pollutants from reaching the storm drains and contaminating water.  Here’s how the program works.


Most outdoor drains are storm drains and are meant only for rain.  Everything that flows into a Camp Pendleton storm drain goes untreated directly into nearby waterways and ultimately ends up in the Pacific Ocean.  Pollutants picked up by storm water can impair recreational use of water and harm the habitat for fish, other aquatic organisms, and wildlife.  As shown below, Camp Pendleton has marked its storm drains with a stenciled numbering system (black letters on a white background) for easy identification, so that these drains, culverts and catch basins can be distinguished from the separate sanitary sewer system.  All of these stenciled structures are part of the storm water conveyance system and are meant only for rain.




 Do not discharge anything into a storm drain, including clean tap water.
• Keep outdoor work and storage areas clean and orderly.
• Cover or protect storm drain inlets from outdoor work activities.
• Maintain spill control and cleanup materials and clean up outdoor spills.
• Do not store machinery, equipment, or vehicles over storm drains.
• Keep outdoor trash cans and bins closed.
• If water is used to clean, discharge wastewater to a sanitary sewer.
• Oversee all fueling activities by a trained equipment operator.
• Place drip pans under leaking equipment.


Contractors working on Camp Pendleton are responsible for reviewing Camp Pendleton's Storm water Management Plan and implementing appropriate Best Management Practices.