
MCB Camp Pendleton

MCB Pendleton Seal
Commanding Officer, Headquarters & Support Battalion
Colonel Kwabena K. Gyimah
Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton

Colonel Kwabena Gyimah assumed command as Commanding Officer, Headquarters and Support Battalion, Marine Corps Installations-West on 14 June 2024. Born in Washington, D.C., and raised in Alexandria, Virginia, he graduated from the Virginia Military Institute with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering and a minor in Mathematics. He was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Marine Corps in June 1999. Colonel Gyimah is a career Communications Officer who has commanded at the platoon, company, and battalion/squadron levels. He has served in various staff positions within the operational forces, including Executive Officer of Company A, Marine Wing Communications Squadron-38, 2001-2002; S-6A, 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Command), 2002-2004; Assistant Battalion Operations Officer, 8th Communication Battalion, 2008; Battalion Operations Officer, 8th Communication Battalion, 2010-2011; G-6 Operations Officer, Marine Corps Forces Pacific, 2015-2018; Assistant Chief of Staff (AC/S) G-6, 2nd Marine Division, 2018-2019; AC/S G-6, 1st Marine Division, 2022-2023; and AC/S G-6, I Marine Expeditionary Force, 2023-2024. He conducted two joint assignments as a staff officer, including Combined Joint Task Force (CJTF) J-6 Operations Officer, CJTF - Horn of Africa, 2008-2009, and Cyber Operations Officer and Branch Chief J-64, U.S. Forces Japan, 2012-2015. His supporting establishment assignments include Instructor/Faculty Advisor at the Basic Communications Officer Course, 2004-2006 and Aide-de-Camp to the Commanding General of Training and Education Command, 2006-2007. Colonel Gyimah's command assignments include: Dual-hatted Company Commander for Charlie Company, 8th Communication Battalion, and General Support Company, 8th Communication Battalion, 2009-2010. He served his O-5 command as the Commanding Officer of Marine Wing Communications Squadron-18, 2019-2021. He is a graduate of The Basic School, Communications Information Systems Officers Course, Expeditionary Warfare School (resident), Advanced Communications Officers Course (Honor Graduate), USMC Command and Staff College (resident), Joint Forces Staff College (resident), and the U.S. Naval War College (resident). While at the Naval War College, he was selected and served as the Marine Corps representative for the Naval Command College International Program. His personal decorations include the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (with three Gold Stars), Joint Service Commendation Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, and Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal. He holds a Master of National Security and Strategic Studies degree from the U.S. Naval War College and a Master of Military Studies degree from Marine Corps University. Colonel Gyimah is married to the former Emily Kaplan of Andover, Massachusetts. They have three children: Benjamin (15), Eliza (11), and Anya (9).