
MCB Camp Pendleton

MCB Pendleton Seal


All Marines checking into:
• Marine Corps Base
• I Marine Expeditionary Force
• 1st Marine Division
• 1st Marine Logistics Group
• Marine Corps Air Station
• Marine Aircraft Group 39
• Weapons and Field Training Battalion

Are to report to the Installation Personnel Administration Center (IPAC) Inbound Center, Building 13107 (Directly across from the 13 Area Mess Hall - See Map).  A duty is on post 24-hours a day to endorse orders for Marines reporting aboard Camp Pendleton after normal working hours. For more information call the IPAC Inbound Center at: 

(760) 763-5203/6992
(760) 725-3730 or after normal hours of operation at: (760) 725-6271

The Inbound Center’s hours of operation are:
0730 - 1630 Monday – Friday
After-hours, weekends and holidays please check in with the duty located on the first deck of Building 13107.

Travel Claim Information:
All Marines reporting aboard with funded PCS orders are required to complete a travel claim. It’s our mission to ensure personnel are paid quickly and accurately. Therefore, to expedite payment of travel expenses, please ensure you have the following (if applicable):

Web Orders/Basic Orders:
• Original Order Endorsement (If first duty station, ALL Orders from MCRD, SOI/MCT, and MOS School. If applicable, copies of PRASP/PTAD Orders for Recruiters Assistance).
• A command endorsement for all temporary instruction (TEMINS) completed.
• All commercial lodging and travel receipts including a Non-availability Statement if lodging was not available.
• Flight itinerary (Delay letter from OCONUS, if applicable).
• Portcall/TMO endorsement (overseas only).
• Receipts for expenses incurred incident to PCS.