
MCB Camp Pendleton

MCB Pendleton Seal



What is DEERS?

DEERS (Defense Eligibility Enrollment System). You must be entered in DEERS before you or your dependents are eligible to use their military benefits. A separate enrollment for Tri-Care must be done at a Tri-Care enrollment facility (Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton or the Tri-Care booth in Bldg 130132).

What identity documents do I need to bring with me to get an ID card?

DTM 08-003 and MCO 5512.11D require that you bring two (2) forms of ID; one (1) must be positive picture ID, i. e. military ID card, military dependent’s ID card, driver’s license, state ID, US passport or valid foreign passport that contains a temporary I-551 stamp or temporary I-551 printed notation on a machine readable immigrant visa.

The second form of ID may be a birth certificate, social security card, or if a current student, School ID with a photograph, voter’s registration card.

A List of Acceptable Documents can be found here.

Note: Children must be 18 years of age or older and  present  TWO identity documents in order to be issued a dependent identification card.

Children under the age of 10 do not require a photo ID.

All documents presented must be unexpired, the original, or a “certified” document from the county/state of origin.

What would I need to renew my dependent’s ID card?

    a. If you are already in DEERS and the sponsor accompanies you: 

        1. Your old ID card (unexpired) and another form of ID 

    b. If the sponsor does not accompany you: 

        1. DD Form 1172 prepared at a DEERS/RAPIDS site or present a DD Form 1172 signed by the sponsor whose signature has been notarized or present a current Power of Attorney (General or Special (note: the Special Power of Attorney must indicate authorization to enroll lawful dependents in military benefits programs and issuance of ID cards) 

        2. Your old ID card and another form of ID

What would I need to enroll my spouse for the first time?

1. If the sponsor accompanies you: 
        a. Marriage certificate 
        b. Social Security card: if you have an SSN, but do not have a social security card, a formal letter from the Social Security Administration (SSA) with your social security number on it is acceptable.
        c. Birth certificate
        d. 2 valid forms of ID as stated in Form I-9 (the primary must be a valid photo ID issued by a state, federal or other government agency)
        e. If previously married, final divorce decree
        f. All foreign documents must be accompanied by a “certified” English translation

2. If the sponsor does not accompany you:
        a. Present a current Power of Attorney (General or Special (note: the Special Power of Attorney must indicate authorization to enroll lawful dependents in military benefits programs and issuance of ID cards) along with the documents of paragraph 1 above.

What would I need to enroll a child or a stepchild in DEERS?
        a. The sponsor needs to accompany or present a current Power of Attorney
        b. Birth Certificate, Record of Birth or Hospital Proof of Birth 
        c. SSN card: if you have an SSN, but do not have a social card, a formal letter from the Social Security Administration (SSA) with the social security number on it is acceptable.
        d. Marriage certificate
What would I need to enroll a child born out of wedlock?
        a. Sponsor must accompany or present a current Power of Attorney 
        b. Birth Certificate, Record of Birth, or Hospital Proof of Birth 
        c. SSN card; if you have an SSN, but do not have a social security card, a formal letter from the Social Security Administration (SSA) with the social security number on it is acceptable.
        d. Court order establishing paternity or court order of support as long as it stipulates that the sponsor is the father of the child, or a favorable dependency and residency determination where the sponsor is providing over 50% support or 
        e. A voluntary acknowledgement of paternity (state form) signed by the Sponsor whose signature has been “notarized”. (Note: only the sponsor may submit a voluntary acknowledgement of paternity)

What do I need if my ID card is lost?

Active duty members
    a. Lost ID statement signed by E6 or above for E5 and below
    b. Two (2) forms of ID (one must be proper photo ID) 

    a. Children under the age of eighteen (18) must be accompanied by one of the parents.
    b. Accompanied by the sponsor or present a current DD Form 1172 issued by a DEERS/RAPIDS site or present a current DD Form 1172 signed by the sponsor whose signature has been notarized or present a current Power of Attorney (General or Special (note: the Special Power of Attorney must indicate authorization to enroll lawful dependents in military benefits programs and issuance of ID cards)
    c. Adults must present two (2) forms of ID (one must be proper photo ID)

Who can I contact if I have any questions?
To answer any questions please contact the Site Manager or a Verifying Official at one of the following Pass and Identification Centers:

Mainside, Bldg 130132, (760) 725-2442
Main Gate, Bldg 20255T, (760)725-2768
San Onofre Plaza, Bldg 51093, (760) 763-6476

(CLOSED INDEFINITELY Due to Manpower and Fiscal Constraints)