


Collapse All Expand All
Expand List item 1219Collapse List item 1219  Brochures
"It's Your Move" will help you understand your entitlements and responsibilities concerning shipment and storage of household goods, unaccompanied baggage, boats and firearms. It also has an excellent explanation of how to file a claim for any loss or damage.

"Know Before You Go" contains everything U.S. residents should know before they go abroad.

"Shipping Your POV" and "Storing Your POV" explain your entitlements to ship or store your Privately Owed Vehicle if you receive overseas orders.

"Moving Your Mobile Home" will help you understand your entitlement and responsibilities in the movement of your mobile home. Your transportation office will make all arrangements to schedule the movement, if you desire. History has shown that moving your mobile home will most likely result in excess transportation costs, which you are responsible for paying.

"Don't Move Gypsy Moth" explains regulations requiring residents of the Northeast US area to inspect their outdoor goods for Gypsy Moth prior to loading and shipping. Failure to inspect household articles for gypsy moth life stages prior to movement from a regulated area is a violation of USDA quarantine regulations and may result in significant civil penalties. Inspecting your personal property for gypsy moths goes beyond being a good neighbor: it is required by law.

Expand List item 1221Collapse List item 1221  Publications
"Joint Federal Travel Regulations" is the authoritative source for regulations pertaining to per diem, travel and transportation allowances, relocation allowances, and certain other allowances. Volume 1 applies to Uniformed Service members (including both regular and reserve components) while Volume 2 applies to civilian members.

Joint Federal Travel Regulations
(VOL 1 - Military Members)

Joint Travel Regulations
(DoD Civilians)

Expand List item 1229Collapse List item 1229  Retirement Move
Expand List item 1230Collapse List item 1230  Weight Allowance
Your weight allowance is established under provisions of the Joint Federal Travel Regulations and is the maximum weight you can move at government expense. This allowance includes the weight of household goods you ship, place in storage or send as unaccompanied baggage and goods you already have in storage. Your allowance is based on two factors; your paygrade and whether you have dependents.

You - not your DMO or the carrier - are responsible for staying within your weight allowance. If the weight of items packed, shipped or stored exceeds your weight allowance, you must pay all charges connected with the excess weight. For this reason, estimating the weight of your household goods is very important. Estimates should start early, even before you visit your transportation office to set up the move. The counselor at your transportation office will need an estimated weight for each shipment you intend to make.

An easy and fairly dependable method for making this estimate is to figure 1,000 pounds per fully furnished room (not including storage rooms or bathrooms) or 500 pounds per partially furnished room. Then add the estimated weight of large appliances and items in the garage, storage rooms, basement, etc. The weight of professional books, papers and equipment doesn't count against your weight allowance. The link below will take you to a more accurate weight estimator, but remember, it is only an estimate. Weight estimates are planning tools only and are not official. You can not use estimates weight to refute excess weight charges.

Weight Estimator

To avoid excess weight charges, stay within your authorized weight allowance by disposing of unnecessary possessions. When you receive a notification for exceeding your weight allowance, check it carefully. Often you may not have received credit for professional books, papers and equipment or some other entitlement. If you have any question concerning your excess weight, contact your local DMO. You are entitled to have your shipment reweighed prior to delivery at destination. A request for a reweigh can be made through the DMO either at origin or at destination PRIOR TO DELIVERY.

PCS weight allowances do not apply when:

Vacating Government or Government-controlled quarters upon separation and retirement when ordered to vacate by competent authority and movement is to a local residence pending election of home of record/selection

Moving to occupy Government or Government-controlled quarters

Vacating local economy quarters in compliance with orders

Expand List item 1231Collapse List item 1231  Unauthorized items
The following items are not authorized for shipment with your household goods, Even if they meet the definition of household goods described earlier.

Combustible Liquids:

Alcoholic beverages (any single container exceeding one (1) gallon capacity)


Antifreeze compounds

Camphor oil

Fluid cleaners (containing combustible materials, e.g., spot clothing cleaners and

Office machine cleaners)

Corrosive Liquids:

Acids--muratic, nitric, photographic, sulfuric

Battery with acid



Flame retardant compounds

Iron/steel rust preventing-rust removing compounds

Paint and paint related materials



Black powder

Blasting caps

Dynamite, plastics or any similar explosives

Explosive auto alarms


Fuse lighters




Signal flares

Smokeless powder

Souvenir explosive instruments of war

Spear guns having charged heads

Toy propellants or smoke devices


Batteries with acid or alkali


Adhesives (glues, cements and plastics)


Charcoal briquettes

Cleaning fluids

Compound 3 weed killers

Denatured alcohol






Leather dressing or bleach

Lighter fluids (pocket, charcoal, camp stove, lamp or torch)

Liquors (any single container exceeding one (1) gallon capacity)


Oil stains for wood


Paint or varnish remover

Petroleum products

Polishes, liquid (metal, stove, furniture and wood) '

Propane tanks

Propane or other gas used for cooking or heating purposes


Shoe polish (liquid)

Solvents, plastic




Wood filler

Compressed gases

Engine starting fluids, fire extinguishers and gases used in welding.

Aerosol Cans

Other regulated material termed combustible, corrosive or flammable

Scuba Diving Tanks: Only those scuba diving tanks containing not more than 25 pounds per square inch at 70 degrees Fahrenheit may be shipped as household goods or unaccompanied baggage. Servicing scuba diving tanks for shipment will include:

Written certification of purging serviced by dive shop or licensed individual qualified to perform purging. (A tag or label must be affixed to the tank certifying service was performed.)

Completely empty tank, remove the valve, and replace valve with plug designed for this purpose.

Propane Tanks: As of May 2000 propane tanks can no longer be shipped in your Government Procured Household Goods move. Propane tanks are considered hazardous materials regardless if they are purged or not.

Expand List item 1232Collapse List item 1232  Packing and Pick-Up Dates
The size of your household goods shipment determines how much time is need for packing and pick-up. The following rule of thumb will give you an idea how much time should be allotted for packing your household:
Weight Estimate  Packing Pick-Up
Less than 4,500 lbs 1 Day Same Day
5,000 lbs to 9,000 lbs 2 Days 1 Day
10,000 lbs to 14,500 lbs 3 Days 1 Day
More than 14,500 lbs 4 Days 1 Day

Carriers generally will not pack or pick up on holidays or weekends. During the peak moving season from June through August, available dates fill quickly, so contact your DMO early if you are planning to move during these months. Your preferred packing and pick-up dates should not be any sooner than 10 calendar days from the date you submit your paperwork.
Expand List item 1233Collapse List item 1233  Required Delivery Date
The distance and weight of your shipment determines how many days the carrier is allowed to get your household goods to the destination. Your shipment could arrive at an earlier date, but this is entirely up to the carrier. Your shipment's Required Delivery Date will be recorded in your Bill of Lading (block 8). The required delivery date will not necessarily be the delivery date at your residence, but is the carrier's deadline to get the shipment to the destination agent. Delivery to your residence will need to be coordinated with your Transportation Service Provider (TPS) or destination transportation office.

If you know your estimated weight and mileage, visit our transit time guide to determine the approximate number of days for your household goods to arrive at their destination: Transit Times. If your carrier does not arrive by the required delivery date, you may be entitled to compensation by filing an inconvenience claim with the Carrier.

Be sure to make contact with your TSP or the DMO that services your destination and provide them with an enroute point of contact (cell phone number, e-mail address, or relative) so that they can keep you advised of your shipment.
Expand List item 1235Collapse List item 1235  Temporary Storage
Members are authorized Storage in Transit for up to 90 days in conjunction with a PCS move. The Transportation Office may approve additional periods of storage in 90 day increments, but these requests must be submitted in writing:

Intervening TDY or long-term training assignment

Nonavailability of suitable housing

Completion of residence under construction

Serious employee illness


illness or death

Other circumstances beyond the member's control

If a mIf a member allows the Storage in Transit time to expire, storage charges and liability for loss and damage become the member's responsibility. The member pays for storage services directly to the storage company, however, the member is still entitled to a delivery and unpacking at government expense.

Members ordered on a PCS with TDY are entitled to have their property placed into non-temporary storage at origin for the period of the TDY. The property stored at Government expense under this provision may not exceed the member's PCS weight allowance. If the member does not use non-temporary storage at origin and elects to ship to destination, any storage utilized is chargeable to their entitlement of 90 Days.

Certain circumstances may warrant an extension of this temporary storage entitlement. You must apply for an extension by completing a DD Form 1857 if you need to keep your personal property in temporary storage beyond 90 days.

Expand List item 1236Collapse List item 1236  Excess Costs
You can unknowingly incur excess costs at your expence in shipping your household goods. The following list describes things you can do to avoid excess personal costs associated with your move:

Extra services - Avoid requesting specific routing, special loading, or any other service that is not routinely provided. ExcessExcess Weight - Members should be aware that the total combined weight of all shipments, including goods in storage, must not exceed your authorized weight as defined in the Joint Federal Travel Regulation.

Extra shipments - Multiple household goods shipments from the same point of origin to the same destination, may result be in excess cost.

Excess distance - Your orders determine authorized point of origin and destination. Deviation may incur excess cost. ( For example auth point Oceanside, CA to Dallas, TX and you elect shipment from Oceanside, CA to Miami, FL You will incur excess cost.)

Unauthorized items - Avoid shipping unauthorized articles. If unauthorized articles are discovered in shipments after pickup, the member will incur additional cost to stop shipment to unload and remove the items.

Avoid attempt charges - Members or their designated representatives are required to be available between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. at the scheduled pickup or delivery address on the date the packers and movers are scheduled to arrive. If you or your designated agent are not available during pickup or delivery or of your residence is dirty, you will be charged an attempt fee which may exceed $200.00.

Special Items and Situations - If movers determine pests are present at the pickup address and depart without a pickup, the members will be charged for an attempted pickup and once cleaned the move will be rescheduled which could take up to 2 weeks.

For OCONUS moves, boats that don't fit in a standard overseas container must be shipped One Time Only (OTO) rate. Almost all boats and/or boats with trailers won't fit in a standard overseas container, therefore must be shipped under an OTO boat rate, which would mean excess cost to the member. Any boat over 14' or with a trailer for CONUS moves will also mean excess cost to the member.

Expand List item 1237Collapse List item 1237  Designating an Agent
If you can not be available for the pickup or delivery of your property, you can designate an agent to act on your behalf, you should always list your spouse as your agent in case you are called away during the move. Your agent can be your spouse, family member (over 18), a friend, co-worker, etc. If you have an emergency on the pickup day, you can designate an agent by leaving written authorization, naming the agent. The agent gives this authorization to the carrier. You may designate agents by using a Power of Attorney or Informal Letter of Authority signed by you. If you leave your residence and leave the movers alone, they will stop working and possibly leave and you will be charged waiting time.

Expand List item 1239Collapse List item 1239  Insurance
Full Replacement Value (FRV) Protection is an important benefit for the Military Service Members, Department of Defense Civilian Employees and DoD Families. Personal property shipments are eligible for FRV protection. FRV protection is available at no additional cost to DoD members. If your personal property becomes lost, damaged or destroyed while in the care of the Transportation Service Provider (TSP), the member can recover the greater of $5,000 per shipment or $4.00 times the weight of the shipment (in pounds) up to a maximum of $50,000 as compensation for loss. FRV applies to all goverment shipments moved after 2007.

Expand List item 1240Collapse List item 1240  Important Documents
There are three critical documents you must be sure to get copies of before the carrier departs and should hand carry with you to your destination

Household Goods Descriptive Inventory

Government Bill of Lading

You are entitled to a  LEGIBLE COPY of each of these documents from the movers.

Household Goods Descriptive Inventory: This is your official record of what is being shipped. Make sure all items are listed. The form is completed by the movers in coordination with you or your agent. It should accurately describe the items you are shipping and the condition of each. If an item is not listed on the inventory it may be difficule to claim due to no proof tendered (given) to movers.

If movers observe damage to your goods prior to pickup, they will note this on the line by the item on the inventory. If you disagree with these exceptions noted at the time of pick-up, you must circle the inventory number you disagree with. Then enter the inventory number in "Remarks/Exceptions" section of the inventory with the phrase, "I protest exceptions taken by the driver at time of pick-up." Your signature on the inventory is your concurrence with the count and condition of each item listed. check carefully before you sign.

DD Form 619: This form is used for CONUS household goods shipments only. It lists the following:

The number of cartons used to pack your shipment. (The number column should be completed before you sign.)

The weight of professional items

Additional services performe

Appliances at origin

Bill Of Lading: This document shows you the following critical information:

Bill of Lading number (B/L NO.) used to track the shipment

Required delivery date (RDD)


Whom to contact upon your arrival at destination

Expand List item 1234Collapse List item 1234  Professional Books, Papers, and Equipment
When completing your application to move (DD 1299), you must provide an estimated weight of your professional books, papers and equipment (PBP&E) on your application for shipment or storage. This constitutes an official declaration of intent to ship PBP&E. Movers should annotate weight of PBP&E on DD 619 that you or your releasing agent will review and sign. You must also separate your PBP&E from the rest of your property so they may be packed, marked and weighed separately. When properly listed on the inventory, they are not counted as part of your weight allowance. Before signing the inventory prepared by the movers be sure these items are listed as "PBP&E" and not as "books" or "miscellaneous." The proper designation of these items and the exclusion of the weight is very important. Professional books, papers, and equipment do not include office, household or shop fixtures, furniture (such as bookcases, desks and file cabinets) or sports equipment.

When required to perform official duties, the following items are considered professional books, papers and equipment:
Reference books, papers, and material;

Instruments, tools and equipment needed by technicians, mechanics and other professionals;

Specialized clothing such as diving suits, flying suits, band uniforms and other apparel not considered to be normal or usual uniforms or clothing; BASIC ISSUE UNIFORMS CANNOT BE DECLARED

Communications equipment used in connection with the Military Affiliated Radio System; and

Individually owned or specially issued field clothing or equipment, official awards and other memorabilia given to a member by a uniformed service, professional society or organization, or a U.S. or foreign government.

JOINT FEDERAL TRAVEL REGULATIONS (JFTR) PARAGRAPH 2.1.4 (U5310-C) professional books, papers and equipment (PBP&E) provides special weight allowance for a spouse tp ship up to 500 pounds of PBP&E when moving on a permanent change of station (PSC) orders. (must be approved prior to the move by Secretarial Process).

*JFTR REVISIONS U5310-C, these changes are scheduled to appear in JFTR change 327, and JTR change 581, dated 1 March 2014.

1. A member is authorized PBP&E (See APP A definition) transportation IAW the Service procedure, when the member certifies the PBP&E as necessary for official duty at the next PDS (including HOR or HOS upon leaving the Service) and the Service agrees. PBP&E weight may not exceed 2,000 lbs. net weight. This limitation is not subject to waiver and is effective1 May 2014.


Note: A member may exceed the 2,000 lbs. net weight limit when returning from OCONUS or executing a Consecutive Overseas Tour (COT) if orders OCONUS were issued prior to 1 May 2014. HHG with PBP&E in excess of 2,000 lbs. must have been originally shipped at GOV’T expense to the OCONUS location. The obligation to return HHG with PBP&E is limited to the amount of HHG with PBP&E the GOV’T initially authorized to be shipped OCONUS. The member may ship the same amount of PBP&E as originally shipped OCONUS, even though the amount exceeds 2,000 lbs. Once the member’s HHG have been returned to CONUS, there is no authorization or waiver authority to exceed the 2,000 lb. limit on a subsequent order.

Expand List item 1228Collapse List item 1228  Defense Personal Property System (DPS)
Defense Personal Property System (DPS) is an online program that eligible service members and their families and DOD members on Offical orders can use to arrange routine basic moves from their current duty station to a new duty station or homeport or HOR/PEAD and HOS. You can access the program 24-hours a day, seven days a week from home, work, or aboard ship... anywhere you have internet access. Access DPS HERE. Defense Personal Property System Instructions

Personnel MUST print a copy of the DD1299 and DD1797, sign it and fax it to the designated number with orders, moving from Camp Pendleton with cover sheet stating DPS shipment.Fax numbers are 760-725-3386 or 8765

Entitlement to Shipment of Household Goods You are authorized shipment of household goods in one lot. The authorized destinations for your personal property are:

• New permanent duty station

• TDY station of Baggage Allowance Weight

• Home of record or Place of entry in the Service (separation move)

• Designated location, as determined by your orders and the Joint Federal Travel Regulations

• Home of selection (retirement move)

• Other locations, but subject to excess costs.

Household goods are defined as items associated with the home and all personal effects belonging to a member and dependents on the effective date of the member's PCS or TDY orders that legally may be accepted and transported by an authorized commercial transporter. HHG's include:

Professional, books, paper, and equipment (PBP&E) needed for the performance of official duties at the next or a later destination .

PROFESSIONAL BOOKS, PAPERS, AND EQUIPMENT (PBP&E) FOR MEMBER/EMPLOYEE. (Also called PRO or PRO-Gear. APP A2 for PBP&E for a member’s non-member spouse.) HHG in a member's/employee’s possession needed for the performance of official duties at the next or a later destination (B-171877.03,15 December 1976, B-196994, 9 May 1980, and B-251563, 14 June 1993). The following items are PBP&E:

1. Reference material;

2. Instruments, tools, and equipment peculiar to technicians, mechanics, and members of the professions;

3. Specialized clothing such as diving suits, astronauts' suits, flying suits and helmets, band uniforms, chaplains' vestments, and other specialized apparel not normal or usual uniform or clothing;

4. Communication equipment used by a member in association with the MARS (DoDD 4650.2);

5. Individually owned or specially issued field clothing and equipment;

6. An official award given to a member by a Service (or a component thereof) for service performed by the member in the member's capacity or by a professional society/organization/U.S. or foreign Government for significant contributions ICW official duties; and

7. Personal computers and accompanying equipment used for official GOV’T business (i.e., CPU, monitor, keyboard, mouse, 1 printer, 1 set of small computer speakers).

8. GOV’T- or uniformed service-owned accountable Organizational Clothing and Individual Clothing (OC&IE) property issued to the employee or member by the Agency/Service for official use.

NOTE: Excluded from PBP&E are commercial products for sale/resale used in conducting business, sports equipment; and office, household, or shop fixtures or furniture (such as bookcases, study/computer desks, file cabinets, and racks) of any kind even though used ICW the PBP&E.

Spare parts for a privately owned vehicle (POV) to include a pick-up tailgate when removed.

Integral or attached vehicle parts that must be removed due to high vulnerability to pilferage or damage (e.g., seats, tops, winch, spare tires, portable auxiliary gasoline cans, and miscellaneous associated hardware).

Consumable goods for members ordered to locations listed in JFTR, Appendix F.

Vehicles other than POVs, such as motorcycles, mopeds, jet skis, hang gliders, snowmobiles, and their associated trailers, and golf carts.

Boats (boats exceeding 14 feet, contact the local DMO to determine if excess cost is involved).

Ultra light vehicles for recreation or sport purposes; weighing less than 155 pounds if not powered or less than 254 pounds if powered; fuel capacity not to exceed 5 gallons; airspeed not to exceed 55 knots; and power-off stall speed not to exceed 24 knots.

HHG's do not include:

Personal baggage when carried free on tickets (airlines, train etc.,) commonly known as ACCOMPANIED BAGGAGE.

Automobiles, trucks, vans and similar motor vehicles; airplanes; mobile homes; camper trailers; and farming vehicles.

Live animals including birds, fish and reptiles.

Articles that would normally qualify as HHG but are acquired after the effective date of PCS orders, except bonafide replacements of articles that have become inadequate, worn out, broken, or unserviceable on or after the effective date of orders.

Cordwood, chain link fencing, and building materials.

HHG for resale, disposal or commercial use rather than for use by the member and his/her dependents

Privately owned live ammunition.

Explosives, corrosives (batteries), or hazardous materials such as paints and aerosol cans.

Unaccompanied baggage consists of items you will need immediately on arrival at destination, pending receipt of your household goods. It is packed and shipped separately from your household goods. Items most often included are seasonal clothing, essential linens, cooking utensils and dishes, baby cribs and infant-care articles, a small radio, portable television and items required for health and comfort. You should also include professional books, papers and equipment needed immediately to perform your official duties. If included, the weight of professional items is not included in the weight charged toward your maximum authorization. Each branch of the armed services has rules regarding when and how much unaccompanied baggage may be shipped. After reviewing your orders, the counselor at the transportation office can determine your unaccompanied baggage entitlement.

As an alternative to shipment of household goods, you may place your property into non-temporary storage. If you choose this option, the property cannot be moved again until you receive new orders.



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Expand List item 1241Collapse List item 1241  Note: incoming personnel
For customers with shipments processed through Defense Personal Property System (DP3/DPS), this paragraph applies.

a. Your main point of contact regarding your shipment is your TSP (or commonly called carrier). To update any information, change of delivery address, destination phone contact information, email address, delivery date, change of delivery date, Storage In Transit (SIT), etc., you must contact your TSP.

b. You may contact DMO at 760-725-8848/8666 to find out the status of your shipment. You may contact the DPS Help Desk at 1-800-462-2176, if you have a problem with your password.

c. If you need assistance from the DMO Camp Pendleton Quality Assurance Division due to problems during the delivery of your shipment, call 760-725-8848/8666. You must advise them that you are a customer with a DPS shipment.

NOTE: For non-DPS customers this paragraph applies.

When you arrive here in CAMP PENDLETON area, it is imperative that you contact Inbound to ensure your contact information is entered into our system.
Expand List item 1242Collapse List item 1242  Track Shipment
Unfortunately, some personal property shipments may not arrive by the Required Delivery Date (RDD), shown at block 8 on the Bill of Lading. The TSP, identified in block 1 on the Bill of Lading, will trace shipments upon customer or Government request. They will provide a response within 24 hours for tracer actions requested on a weekend or holiday, the 24 hours will begin the next business day. Tracing requests must contain the Bill of Lading number also located on your Bill of Lading form. You may elect to either trace your shipment directly with the TSP or through your transportation office.

Inconvenience Claim

If you have been inconvenienced during a move because the TSP failed to pickup or deliver your shipment on the agreed date, customers may be entitled to file an inconvenience claim.

You must document your claim fully with an itemized list of charges and accompanying receipts. Out-of-pocket expenses claimed must be reasonable and relate directly to relieving a definite hardship being suffered by the member/employee or the member's /employee's dependents. The carrier is not liable for these costs if the delay was caused by acts of God, acts of the public enemy, acts of the government, acts of the public authority, violent strikes, mob interference, or delays caused by the government in which TSP negligence did not contribute to the delay.

The TSP will acknowledge receipt of an inconvenience claim within 15 calendar days from the date of receipt. The TSP should reimburse the member/employee within 30 days from receipt for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses limited to the following items and other items needed by a member/employee while awaiting the delivery of his or her shipment.

  • Expenses: Out-of-pocket expenses are all expenses incurred by a member/employee and their family members because they are not able to use the items in the shipment or to establish his or her household. Expenses include but are not limited to, lodging, meals, laundry service, furniture and/or appliance rental, to include rental of a television or other similar expenses such as towels (two per person), pots, pans, paper plates, plastic knives, plastic spoons, plastic forks, paper and/or plastic cups, and napkins. A request for reimbursement of alcoholic beverages in any quantity is prohibited. If the carrier purchases tangible household items such as towels, pots and pans, the carrier may make arrangements to reclaim those items upon delivery of the member's/employee's shipment.
  • The maximum liability for lodging will not exceed the per diem lodging rate, based on the number of people in the member's/employee's family, e.g., the member/employee and spouse would be expected to share one room in a hotel; additional family members, depending on age and sex, may require additional rooms. TSP's maximum liability for meals and incidental expenses will not exceed the Meals and Incidental Expenses rate for the member/employee and each family member.
In the event of a disputed claim, the TSP may appeal the case to the destination Transportation Office no later than the 35th day. The DMO will make every effort to resolve the dispute by the 45th day.

Expand List item 1243Collapse List item 1243  Schedule Delivery
Direct Delivery

Direct delivery minimizes potential loss and damage to your household goods because it eliminates the need to handle your shipment two additional times; one to unload in temporary storage and another to re-load it back on the truck for delivery to your home. If you want a direct delivery, we must be able to contact you and make delivery arrangments with the TSP no later than 2 hours from the time the TSP offers the shipment for delivery (one hour if the origin is less than 200 miles). We cannot send a driver to your residence without confirmation that someone is home. Give the Inbound Division a call to ensure we have current and correct contact information in our system and your preference for a direct delivery.

Attemps: If you or your receiving agent cannot be located on the delivery date, you will be subject to an attempt delivery fee. You will have to pay the attempt fee before setting up delivery for a different day.

Partial Delivery (Military only)

You are authorized one partial release from temporary storage at Government expense. Additional partial release requests for the same shipment will be at the member's expense. To request a partial release, it is important for TMO to receive the delivery request form as well as a copy of the inventory sheets with the requested items circled. Please send us a copy of each document via fax to (760) 725-8765.

Full Delivery

To schedule the delivery of your personal property the TPS/DMO will need your delivery address and a date (weekday, non-holiday). Deliveries are accomplished Monday through Friday, between the hours of 0800 to 1700, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and US holidays. Specific delivery times cannot be scheduled. Property owners or their designated agent must be at the residence during those hours on the day of the delivery. Members should not schedule a delivery on the closing date of residence. To schedule a delivery, use the following method;

Contact the TSP orour Inbound transportation agents during duty hours at Commercial (760) 725-8666/8848 , or DSN 365-8666/8848 between 8:00 am - 4:30 pm.

Expand List item 1244Collapse List item 1244  Designating an Agent
If you will not be available for the delivery of your property, you can designate an agent to act on your behalf. This individual can be your spouse, family member (at leaset 18 years of age), a friend, co-worker, etc. If you have an emergency on the delivery day, you can designate an agent by leaving written authorization, naming the agent. The agent gives this authorization to the carrier. You may designate agents by using a Power of Attorney or Informal Letter of Authority. Also, if you leave your residence and leave the movers alone, they will stop working and you may be charged waiting time.

Expand List item 1245Collapse List item 1245  Unloading and Unpacking
Unloading at destination includes the one-time laying of rugs and the one-time placement of furniture and like items in the room of the dwelling or a room designated by the customer. All articles disassembled by the Transportation Service Provider or originating from nontemporary storage will be reassembled. On a one-time basis, all barrels, boxes, cartons, and/or crates will be unpacked and the contents will be placed in a room designated by the member/employee. This includes the placement of articles in cabinets, cupboards, or on shelving in the kitchen when convenient and consistent with safety of the article(s) and proximity of the area desired by the customer, but does not include arranging the articles in a manner desired by the customer. The unpacking service and removal of debris will be performed to the customer's satisfaction at the time the goods are delivered to the residence unless specifically waived in writing by the customer or customer's agent. The Transportation Service Provider, agent, or contractor shall have all tools for reassembling on hand. If unpacking is waived, Transportation Service Provider is not required to pickup empty boxes at a later date.

The customer or the customer's designated agent must be at the residence when the carrier arrives.

Your Responsibilities at Delivery

1) You, or your designated representative must be at home on the day of delivery. Memorandum of designated representative must be submitted to the customer service division NLT one day prior to delivery.

2) Know in advance where you want each piece of furniture placed. The mover is required to place each piece only one time.

3) Check each carton or item off the inventory. Make sure everything that was picked up is delivered.

4) List any damage or missing items with appropriate inventory numbers on theDD Form 1840, "Joint Statement of Loss or Damage at Delivery," to avoid problems. Make sure you look over your property and list any missing inventory line items or noticeable damage at this time.

5) Ensure you read all documents and the delivery is completed to your satisfaction prior to you signing any documents. (see Mover's Responsibilities at Destination).

6) Call the Quality Assurance Office at (760) 725-3318 if problems arise while the movers are at your delivery address. Do not argue with the mover.

Mover's Responsibilities at Delivery

You can expect the mover to begin delivery of your shipment between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm and complete delivery services by 2100 hours. Your mover will:

1) Unpack and unwrap all cartons, boxes and crates.

2) Place each item or carton in the room you indicate. This includes placement of unpacked articles in cabinets, cupboards or on kitchen shelves when convenient and consistent with the safety of the articles and in the order that it is unwrapped or unpacked. Have placement of furniture and carton planned out prior to the arrival of your mover.

3) Assemble all furniture and equipment disassembled by the movers at origin. NOTE: The TSP may not be able to reassemble some items due to damaged parts, missing hardware or complexity of the item to be reassembled. In the event items are damaged or have hardware missing, you must first complete the claims process for damaged or missing pieces. Once the claims process has been completed, contact WA and we will schedule the TSP to return and complete the reassembly of the items. In the event items cannot be reassembled due to complexity, the TSP must contact the WA and receive approval to schedule a third pary company who may be familiar with the type of article to be reassembled. Be advised that this process may take 3 - 5 days to accomplish.

4) Remove packing and blocking from appliances. (The mover is not required to connect appliances to electric, gas or water outlets.)

5) Remove all packing material resulting from the unpacking.

6) If you decide to do some, or all, of your unpacking, the mover is not required to return to pick up any packing debris.

7) Jointly with you, make a written record of any loss or damage on the DD Form 1840, "Joint Statement of Loss or Damage at Delivery," sign the document and obtain your signature. The mover must leave three copies of the DD Form 1840 with you.

Expand List item 1246Collapse List item 1246  Temporary Storage
If authorized, temporary storage may be used in lieu of delivery. Members may be entitled to 90 days' temporary storage for any authorized HHG transportation. If HHG aren't removed from storage before expiration of the first 90-day period, storage charges accruing thereafter are the member's responsibility unless additional storage is authorized and approved.

Certain circumstances may warrant an extension of this temporary storage entitlement. You must apply for an extension by completing a DD Form 1857 if you need to keep your personal property in temporary storage beyond 90 days. A statement from the member, containing all of the facts, must accompany requests for authorization/approval of such additional storage. Please note, if you're a civilian employee you'll also need to attach an amended copy of your orders with the authorization to extend storage. Extension requests must be received prior to the current expiration date. Some valid examples of temporary storage extensions are:

  • Serious illness of the member
  • Serious illness or death of a dependent
  • Impending assignment to Government quarters
  • Directed TDY after arrival at permanent duty station
  • Non-availability of suitable civilian housing
  • Awaiting completion of residence under construction, and
  • Acts of God
Expand List item 1247Collapse List item 1247  Reporting Loss or Damage
NOTE - If you do not follow these new loss and damage claim procedures, you may not be able to recover the cost of any loss or damage.

At the time of delivery of your household goods/unaccompanied baggage, your mover will give you five copies of a two-sided form --DD Form 1840. If they do not have these forms for you, immediately notify the Quality Assurance at TMO (760) 725-3318.

On your inventory, carefully check off each piece or carton received by inventory number as it is unloaded from the mover's vehicle. Examine any damage carefully and detail the exact damage on the 1840. List all missing items by inventory item number and description. All damage and/or loss you notice at delivery should be identified on the DD Form 1840 by inventory number, name or item description, and type of damage (or loss).

Be sure the mover signs and dates all copies legibly. Be sure they leave you three of the five copies of the completed form which you and the mover have signed. As soon as possible, but not later than 70 days after delivery, you must examine every item in your shipment and record any additional damage or loss which was not noted or listed at delivery on the DD Form 1840R (reverse side of the DD Form 1840) by inventory number, name of item, and the type/extent of damage or loss. You must deliver those three copies of the completed form to your claims office Claims Office Page within 70 days of your household goods/unaccompanied baggage delivery. The claims office will retain two copies. The third copy will be stamped with the date received and returned to you for your use when you submit your claim.


1. STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS: The government under the provisions of Army regulation AR 27-20 may pay no claim unless it is presented within with TWO YEARS (2) from the date the shipment was received, or you are notified in writing that the entire shipment is lost. THIS TIME LIMIT CANNOT BE WAIVED.

2. NOTIFICATION TO THE TSP: All loss and/or damage must be reported on the DD Form 1840(R) and the form turned into the Claims Office within 70 DAYS from the date of delivery of the shipment. If you turn in the DD Form 1840(R) to the Claims Office and later find further damage or missing items, it is your responsibility to return to the Claims Office within the remainder of the 70 day time period specifying the items later discovered, and a supplemental DD Form 1840(R) will be dispatched by the Claims Office.

3. DISPOSAL OF PROPERTY AND TSP INSPECTION RIGHTS: DO NOT dispose of any items, which may be part of your claim without the approval of the Claims Office. The TSP has a right to inspect all property up to 45 days from the last dispatch date of the DD Form 1840(R).

4. SALVAGE RIGHTS: If it is necessary for the government to replace a damaged item on any shipment except DPM, local moves, and local storage, the TSP has salvage rights to the property. The property should be set-aside for at least 90 days after payment of your claim to give the TSP the opportunity to obtain the property. On DPM, local moves, and local storage, the government has salvage rights, and the items will be turned in before payment of your claim.


a. Estimate of repair: An estimate is required for any externally damaged item, if the repair cost will exceed $50.00. On internally damaged items (such as VCRs, TVs, stereos, etc.), an estimate is required regardless of the cost.

b. Estimate on replacement cost: An estimate is required for any item that is damaged beyond repair, if the replacement cost will exceed $100.00. When you ask to replace an item damaged beyond repair or missing and the replacement cost of that item exceeds $100.00, you will need to provide substantiation of the amount claimed. (You can use paid receipts, a picture of that item from a catalog or something printed from the Internet). When replacing an item that is missing or damaged beyond repair and the exact item cannot be found, the price of something of similar quality will be accepted.

c. Estimate Fees: The estimators will charge for their time. That cost is paid by you and added to your claim. The Claims Office refunds this cost to you unless the estimator deducts the fee from the final repair bill.

6. IRREPARABLE ITEMS: When claiming replacement cost for property damaged beyond repair, an irreparability statement from a reputable dealer must be submitted with the estimate of replacement cost.

7. LOST ITEMS: If an item is lost that is not listed on the inventory; proof of purchase is required. Receipts, canceled checks, or affidavits from disinterested parties may be used for this purpose.

8. AUTHORIZATION TO FILE CLAIM: If a claim is filed by your designated agent, a Power of Attorney must be submitted. If the agent is the spouse of the service member, a letter of authorization may be used.

9. FALSE CLAIMS: The following penalties may be imposed for filing a false claim:

a. DENIAL for payment on items tainted by false information.

b. COMPLETE DENIAL of claim.

c. If fraud is detected after you have received a settlement on your claim, the Claims Office can recover the money from you.

d. Criminal prosecution that could result in a fine, imprisonment, or both.


If you are separating, you have 180 days from effective date of separation to ship to your home of record or place your household goods in government-arranged Non Temporary Storage.

Once items go into NTS, they are to remain during duration of your tour exercise care in separating items to be stored from those to be shipped. If there is any change in your status that would affect your entitlement to NTS (such as consecutive overseas tours or extensions), you are responsible for notifying the transportation office maintaining your NTS account and for providing copies of extension orders reflecting your new date of estimated return from overseas.

The most common use of NTS is by those members making a PCS from the CONUS to an overseas area. Personnel falling into this category can store all or part of the personal property, within the prescribed weight allowances. Request for release of property must be in writing, accompanied by the authorization for shipment, i.e. dependent entry approval, dependent travel orders, or amendments for concurrent travel.

The total HHG weight transported plus the weight of the HHG in NTS at Government expense on the same PCS order should not exceed the member's prescribed weight allowance. It's very important that you understand that property placed in non-temporary storage is chargeable against your total permanent change of station (PCS) weight allowance. In the event you are assigned to a unit where there is a weight restriction imposed, the shipment weight to your new duty station plus the amount in non-temporary storage, must not exceed your authorized weight allowance. If you make a household goods shipment in addition to NTS on the same orders and exceed your weight allowance, the Government may pay the costs with the member financially responsible to reimburse the Government for excess weight storage costs.

Non-Temporary Storage will be provided in a government approved storage facility nearest to the place where the household goods are located. When household goods are returned to the continental United States (CONUS) from overseas for NTS, the place of NTS is determined by Overseas location.

Time limitations for Non-Temporary Storage vary depending on the type of orders used to place property into storage. "For Miitary Members: On overseas moves is the length of the overseas tour, plus 90 days. The additional 90 days allows time for the customer to obtain housing at the new location, Storage beyond the entitlement time is at the customer's expense. For Civilian Members: The Non-Temporary Storage entitlement must be specified on the civilian's PCS orders. The length of time authorized for NTS storage is funded by fiscal year. An extension of the NTS entitlement requires an amendment to the PCS orders. (Note: civilian members placing property into storage must renew their entitlement on a yearly basis. Consult your civilian personal office at your gaining location for details on how to ensure continued storage.

Military on separation or retirement orders that need additional time beyond your basic entitlement with property in NTS through Camp Pendleton, can send a written request for an extension to your shipping entitlement to Camp Pendleton. Extensions to your shipping entitlements allows continue storage through the Government; however, the cost of that storage will be at member's expense. Contact the Transportation Office maintaining your storage to determine what the cost per month will be.

PLEASE NOTE: all Non-Temporary Storage entitlement extensions, MUST be accomplished in writing and be accompanied by a copy of your orders, DD214 by mail requesting an extension of your shipping entitlement. Please be sure to include your contact information (address, phone numbers or email) with your request.