Defense Personal Property System (DPS) is an online program that eligible service members and their families and DOD members on Offical orders can use to arrange routine basic moves from their current duty station to a new duty station or homeport or HOR/PEAD and HOS. You can access the program 24-hours a day, seven days a week from home, work, or aboard ship... anywhere you have internet access. Access DPS
Defense Personal Property System Instructions
Personnel MUST print a copy of the
DD1299 and
DD1797, sign it and fax it to the designated number with orders, moving from Camp Pendleton with cover sheet stating DPS shipment.Fax numbers are 760-725-3386 or 8765
Entitlement to Shipment of Household Goods You are authorized shipment of household goods in one lot. The authorized destinations for your personal property are:
• New permanent duty station
• TDY station of Baggage Allowance Weight
• Home of record or Place of entry in the Service (separation move)
• Designated location, as determined by your orders and the Joint Federal Travel Regulations
• Home of selection (retirement move)
• Other locations, but subject to excess costs.
Household goods are defined as items associated with the home and all personal effects belonging to a member and dependents on the effective date of the member's PCS or TDY orders that legally may be accepted and transported by an authorized commercial transporter. HHG's include:
Professional, books, paper, and equipment (PBP&E) needed for the performance of official duties at the next or a later destination .
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS, PAPERS, AND EQUIPMENT (PBP&E) FOR MEMBER/EMPLOYEE. (Also called PRO or PRO-Gear. APP A2 for PBP&E for a member’s non-member spouse.) HHG in a member's/employee’s possession needed for the performance of official duties at the next or a later destination (B-171877.03,15 December 1976, B-196994, 9 May 1980, and B-251563, 14 June 1993). The following items are PBP&E:
1. Reference material;
2. Instruments, tools, and equipment peculiar to technicians, mechanics, and members of the professions;
3. Specialized clothing such as diving suits, astronauts' suits, flying suits and helmets, band uniforms, chaplains' vestments, and other specialized apparel not normal or usual uniform or clothing;
4. Communication equipment used by a member in association with the MARS (DoDD 4650.2);
5. Individually owned or specially issued field clothing and equipment;
6. An official award given to a member by a Service (or a component thereof) for service performed by the member in the member's capacity or by a professional society/organization/U.S. or foreign Government for significant contributions ICW official duties; and
7. Personal computers and accompanying equipment used for official GOV’T business (i.e., CPU, monitor, keyboard, mouse, 1 printer, 1 set of small computer speakers).
8. GOV’T- or uniformed service-owned accountable Organizational Clothing and Individual Clothing (OC&IE) property issued to the employee or member by the Agency/Service for official use.
NOTE: Excluded from PBP&E are commercial products for sale/resale used in conducting business, sports equipment; and office, household, or shop fixtures or furniture (such as bookcases, study/computer desks, file cabinets, and racks) of any kind even though used ICW the PBP&E.
Spare parts for a privately owned vehicle (POV) to include a pick-up tailgate when removed.
Integral or attached vehicle parts that must be removed due to high vulnerability to pilferage or damage (e.g., seats, tops, winch, spare tires, portable auxiliary gasoline cans, and miscellaneous associated hardware).
Consumable goods for members ordered to locations listed in JFTR,
Appendix F.
Vehicles other than POVs, such as motorcycles, mopeds, jet skis, hang gliders, snowmobiles, and their associated trailers, and golf carts.
Boats (boats exceeding 14 feet, contact the local DMO to determine if excess cost is involved).
Ultra light vehicles for recreation or sport purposes; weighing less than 155 pounds if not powered or less than 254 pounds if powered; fuel capacity not to exceed 5 gallons; airspeed not to exceed 55 knots; and power-off stall speed not to exceed 24 knots.
HHG's do not include:
Personal baggage when carried free on tickets (airlines, train etc.,) commonly known as ACCOMPANIED BAGGAGE.
Automobiles, trucks, vans and similar motor vehicles; airplanes; mobile homes; camper trailers; and farming vehicles.
Live animals including birds, fish and reptiles.
Articles that would normally qualify as HHG but are acquired after the effective date of PCS orders, except bonafide replacements of articles that have become inadequate, worn out, broken, or unserviceable on or after the effective date of orders.
Cordwood, chain link fencing, and building materials.
HHG for resale, disposal or commercial use rather than for use by the member and his/her dependents
Privately owned live ammunition.
Explosives, corrosives (batteries), or hazardous materials such as paints and aerosol cans.
Unaccompanied baggage consists of items you will need immediately on arrival at destination, pending receipt of your household goods. It is packed and shipped separately from your household goods. Items most often included are seasonal clothing, essential linens, cooking utensils and dishes, baby cribs and infant-care articles, a small radio, portable television and items required for health and comfort. You should also include professional books, papers and equipment needed immediately to perform your official duties. If included, the weight of professional items is not included in the weight charged toward your maximum authorization. Each branch of the armed services has rules regarding when and how much unaccompanied baggage may be shipped. After reviewing your orders, the counselor at the transportation office can determine your unaccompanied baggage entitlement.
As an alternative to shipment of household goods, you may place your property into non-temporary storage. If you choose this option, the property cannot be moved again until you receive new orders.