
MCB Camp Pendleton
MCB Pendleton Seal

 Road AND gate information

Beach Club Road is closed until further notice.

Basilone Road, from San Mateo Road to Meadowlark Drive is closed due to severe damage.

North DeLuz Road from Pusan Drive to Sequoia Road remains closed.

Roblar Road (Case Springs Road), from Montigo to Buffalo is closed.

The inbound lane for Cristianitos Gate is open in both directions; the bypass lane is closed. 


There are no gate closures at this time.


Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton (MCB CAMPEN) official visitors,  volunteers,  command guests, guests of base residents, marine corps community service patrons,  and recreational bicyclists should report to the visitor center for service.

MCB CAMPEN official visitors, volunteers, command guests, and guests of base residents will be given priority service over other customers, who can expect very long delays.

The visitor center and base access control may stop accepting customers as early as 1400 to ensure all existing customers are provided service by closing time. 


Basilone Road Closure PSA Reel

Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton
Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton