
MCB Camp Pendleton

MCB Pendleton Seal

Social Media Guidance

General Order 1-17: Responsible Social Media Use 

CMC Addresses Online Behavior
CMC Discusses Social Media
Senate Hearing Testimony

MARADMIN 168/17 - Social Media Misconduct Leaders Handbook and Discussion Guide
     • Leaders Handbook and Discussion Guide  (CAC Card Required) (Compatibility View settings may have to be disabled to view)

• Social Media Misconduct Brochure

Marines Social Media Handbook

Social Media Personal Reference Guide for Marines

USMC Official Social Media Operating Procedures

DOD Social Media Guidance

Keeping Your Social Media Accounts Secure

ALMAR 008/17 - Social Media Guidance for Unofficial Internet Posts

MARADMIN 173/15 - Review of Online Personal Information and Habits

MARADMIN 181/10 - Responsible and Effective Use of Internet-Based Capabilities 

Report Online Harassment
Naval Criminal Investigative Service
• Contact Your Inspector General


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Online Support Resources