Oversight of all range safety.
Conducts all risk assessments.
Conducts Range Safety Certification Course.
Reviews all non-standard training.
Ensures all training mishaps investigated.
Reviews range and training facility modifications and construction proposals.
Recommends site selection for new ranges.
Participates in final range acceptance.
Certifies ranges.
Assists exercise planners.
Contact Information
Building 2399
Range Control Officer: (760) 725-0355, DSN 365-0355
Chief Range Inspector: (760) 763-4693, DSN 361-4926
Range Scheduling Chief: (760) 725-0362, DSN 365-0359
Range Scheduling Fax: (760) 725-4090, DSN 365-4090
United States Marine Corps
Range Operations Division
Box 555021
Camp Pendleton, California 92055-5021
Range Scheduling
To schedule, Range Scheduling must receive Range Facility Management Support System (RFMSS) data entry or a Training Activity Request (TAR) seven days prior to the first day of use.
The TAR may be submitted by FAX to (760) 725-4090, by e-mail attachment to PNDL_OTRANGESCHEDULING@USMC.MIL or delivered to the Range Scheduling office (BLDG 2399).
Requests for waivers to the provisions contained in MCIW-MCB CAMPENO 3500.1B (Range and Training Regulations) should be addressed to 'COMMANDING OFFICER, MARINE CORPS INSTALLATIONS WEST-MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP PENDLETON (ATTN: AC/S, G-3/5) 'no less than (30) working days prior to the planned event.