Customer Service Help Desk 855-373-8762
The mission of the G6 is to support CG MCIWEST – MCB Camp Pendleton organic command and control systems and the combat readiness of the FMF and tenant commands in the MCIWEST Area of Responsibility (AOR) by:
A. Planning, installing, operating, securing, and maintaining infrastructure and Information Technology (IT) services (classified and unclassified computing, telecommunications, wired and wireless voice and data systems and official portable electronic devices (OPEDs), and video teleconferencing).
B. Managing spectrum, cryptographic systems, cybersecurity, garrison radio networks (including Enterprise Land Mobile Radio [ELMR] and Low Altitude Range Communications System [LARCS]), and non-military and commercial communication systems. Marine Corps Enterprise Network (MCEN). The Marine Corps Cyberspace Operations Group (MCCOG) has authority over and responsibility for providing non-classified (MCEN-N) and secret classified (MCEN-S) services and conducting Department of Defense Information Network Operations (DODIN Ops). 1st Network Battalion (subordinate to the MCCOG, which is an assigned force to CDRUSCYBERCOM) is tasked to support MCEN services within the MCIWEST AOR. MCIWEST-MCB CAMPEN G6 works closely in a supporting and supported relationship with 1st Network Battalion to support computing and information systems aboard MCB Camp Pendleton.
C. The MCEN User Portal at provides IT self-help resources, news, training, and other useful USMC and DOD links in support of all Marine Corps users. The MCCOG provides 24/7 IT support to the MCEN through the Enterprise Service Desk (ESD) by toll-free telephone: 855-373-8762.
Contact Information
Customer Service Help Desk 855-373-8762 DSN 322-915-333
Deputy, AC/S G-6 - 760-763-5025 DSN 760-361-5025
AC/S G-6 Communications Chief - 760-725-3741 DSN 760-365-3741
FAX 760-725-5046 DSN 760-365-5046
AC/S G-6
Building 1271
United States Marine Corps
Box 555021
Camp Pendleton, California 92055-5021
All personnel visiting/requesting access to AC/S G-6 and to AC/S G-6 controlled installations must contact the Security Manager IAW the following references:
SECNAV 5510.36
SECNAV 5510.30
MCO P5510.14A
Visitor Process:
1. All visitors will submit a Visitor Authorization Letter (VAL), in accordance with References, regardless of Civilian or Military affiliation.
2. The request must arrive at least three weeks in advance to allow time to validate visitor information.
3. If the visitor requires access to classified information, they must be cleared by the AC/S G-6, DAA or Operations Division. The Security Manager will validate Clearance via JPAS system to include information that will be discussed with the visitors.
4. Controlled Unclassified information such as FOUO and SBU may contain limits of dissemination or special marking prior to dissemination, therefore that information must also be cleared prior to any discussions at meetings.
5. All personnel visiting may not have access to restricted areas and information is based on need to know only.
6. A copy of the VAL may be found in the Documents tab of this webpage.
7. Once the VAL is completed, fax to the number listed below with "ATTN: Security Manager".
Security Manager 760-725-1975 DSN 760-365-1975
FAX 760-725-1122 DSN 760-365-1122
The MITSC consists of the Mainframe Support, Cyber Services, Cyber Network Defense, and the Area Control Center (ACC) which disseminates official Defense Message System (DMS)naval traffic to Marine units west of the Mississippi River.
The ACC provides Defense Message Dissemination for all MCIWEST Bases (Camp Pendleton, Yuma, 29 Palms, MCRD, Miramar, MWTC Bridgeport, and Barstow)ensuring successful dissemination and transmission of Official Naval Message Traffic.
The MITSC provides NIPRNET and SIPRNET legacy server support for MCB CPEN organizations, and hosts a Server Farm for MCB CPEN publicly accessible websites and a MCIWEST SharePoint site for MCIWEST organizations.
Customer Service Help Desk 855-373-8762 DSN 322-915-3333
The Operations Division provides guidance and leadership for a myriad of MCB Camp Pendleton telecommunications infrastructure maintenance and expansion projects. In addition, Operations plans, operates, and maintains Communication service networks (telephone, data, radio) for tenant organizations aboard MCB Camp Pendleton to support its warfighting mission.
The Operations Division is comprised of the following Branches: Plans, Customer Service Support and Customer Technical Representatives (CTR). Electronic Key Management System Manager (EKMS), Frequency Spectrum Management, Supply, and Fiscal responsibilities fall under the operational control of the Director of Operations/Operations Officer.
Director of Operations 760-763-6653 DSN 760-361-6653
Asst Operations Officer 760-725-9957 DSN 760-365-9957
Operations Chief 760-725-4147 DSN 760-365-4147
FAX 760-725-1122 DSN 760-365-1122 (ATTN: OPS)
Plans 760-725-1952 DSN 760-365-1952
Plans #2 760-763-2509 DSN 760-361-2509
Plans #3 760-763-5628 DSN 760-361-5628
EKMS 760-763-2197 DSN 760-361-2197
Frequency Manager 760-725-2808 DSN 760-365-2808
Fiscal/Supply 760-725-3039 DSN: 760-365-3039
STOIC 760-763-4669 DSN: 760-361-4669
CTR 760-725-6374 DSN 760-365-6374
CTR #2 760-725-9396 DSN 760-365-9396
Customer Service Help Desk 855-373-8762 DSN 322-915-3333
The Service and Support Division is responsible for communications-electronics maintenance, asset management, and facility management.
CEMD supports MCB Camp Pendleton tenant organizations with efficient and timely repair of communications-electronics equipment, communications electronic configuration management, and a myriad of other communications-electronic oriented projects.
The Division is also the main point of contact for customers aboard Camp Pendleton requiring communications and information systems support.
CEMD supports MCB Camp Pendleton tenant organizations with efficient and timely repair of communications-electronics equipment, communications electronic configuration management, and a myriad of other communications-electronic oriented projects.
CEMD is compromised of the following Branches: Systems Maintenance Branch, Rapid Response System Branch, Master Site Branch and E-LMR Zone Manager.
Customer Service Help Desk 855-373-8762 DSN 322-915-3333
The Voice Services Division provides management, installation and maintenance of radio systems, telephone, cable and wire systems as well as maintains and operates all telecommunications hardware, software, and infrastructure aboard Camp Pendleton.
The Telephone Division is comprised of the following sections: Inside Plant, Outside Plant, Technical Control, and Radio Services. These sections provide oversight to the daily business functions associated with running a telephone switch service to over 30,000 federal and civilian customers aboard MCB Camp Pendleton.
Customer Service Help Desk 855-373-8762 DSN 322-915-3333
Be Cautious; malicious cyber actors continue to improve their tactics, techniques, and procedures. If you receive suspicious emails do NOT interact with them. If utilizing your Marine Corps account, report them as an email attachment to Phishing attempts appear in various forms of communication; such as emails, phone calls, social media, messaging services, etc.; all in an attempt to trick you into providing personal identifiable information (PII). Phishing email attempts regularly utilize subjects and email addresses that appear to be legit. Look for a valid digital signing certificate to verify the identity of the sender.
Please review and follow procedures for reporting suspicious emails:
1. Select the message from the Inbox reading view. NOTE: Do not open the message.
2. Right click on Email, then select Copy
3. Open a new Email message.
4. Right-click in the blank content area, then select Paste from the dialog box or press (Control & V).
5. Type SPAM or PHISHING in the Subject line.
6. Send to or or your local Information Awareness (IA) Officer, S-6, or Marine Corps Service Desk.