
MCB Camp Pendleton
MCB Pendleton Seal

Assistant Chief of Staff, G6 

Customer Service Help Desk 

(855) 373-8762

1 General.  The mission of the G6 is to support CG MCIWEST – MCB Camp Pendleton organic command and control systems and the combat readiness of the FMF and tenant commands in the MCIWEST Area of Responsibility (AOR) by:

    A.  Planning, installing, operating, securing, and maintaining infrastructure and Information Technology (IT) services (classified and unclassified computing, telecommunications, wired and wireless voice and data systems and official portable electronic devices (OPEDs), and video teleconferencing).

    B.  Managing spectrum, cryptographic systems, cybersecurity, garrison radio networks (including Enterprise Land Mobile Radio [ELMR] and Low Altitude Range Communications System [LARCS]), and non-military and commercial communication systems.

2. Marine Corps Enterprise Network (MCEN). The Marine Corps Cyberspace Operations Group (MCCOG) has authority over and responsibility for providing non-classified (MCEN-N) and secret classified (MCEN-S) services and conducting Department of Defense Information Network Operations (DODIN Ops). 1st Network Battalion (subordinate to the MCCOG, which is an assigned force to CDRUSCYBERCOM) is tasked to support MCEN services within the MCIWEST AOR. MCIWEST-MCB CAMPEN G6 works closely in a supporting and supported relationship with 1st Network Battalion to support computing and information systems aboard MCB Camp Pendleton.

3. The MCEN User Portal at provides IT self-help resources, news, training, and other useful USMC and DOD links in support of all Marine Corps users. The MCCOG provides 24/7 IT support to the MCEN through the Enterprise Service Desk (ESD) by toll-free telephone: 855-ESD-USMC (855-373-8762).

Customer Service Help Desk 

(855) 373-8762

Contact Information

Customer Service Help Desk

(855) 373-8762

DSN (322) 915-333

Deputy, AC/S G-6

(760) 763-5025

DSN 361-5025

AC/S G-6 Communications Chief 

(760) 725-3741

DSN 365-3741


(760) 725-5046

DSN 365-5046


AC/S G-6 
Building 1271
United States Marine Corps
Box 555021
Camp Pendleton, California 92055-5021

Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton