
Amphibious Vehicle Test Branch

Mission AVTB supports the US Marine Corps in the development and acquisition of amphibious and combat vehicles by providing decision makers timely and accurate information regarding the effectiveness and suitability of the platform under test.


The Amphibious Vehicle Test Branch was established in August 1946 to conduct test and evaluation procedures on amphibious tracked vehicles. Throughout its history AVTB has been heavily engaged in the testing and development of amphibious vehicles utilized in all major conflicts Post World War II. AVTB's core competencies are test planning, test execution, data collection, evaluation, and preparing the critical reports that provide the necessary information to decision makers. MARCORSYSCOM transferred AVTB structure from PM AAVS to PM AAA in May of 2002.



Camp Pendleton offers year-around temperate climate, diverse terrain, and 17 miles of coastline ideal for amphibious testing. It's close proximity to San Diego enhances ship-related testing. Camp Pendleton also offers range facilities to conduct live-fire testing of vehicular armament and weapons systems.

Training facilities, operating areas, and ranges are all under U.S. Marine Corps control. AVTB is in close proximity to San Clemente Island, which can be used for live-fire sea-to-shore testing and high-speed water testing.

Terrain or test-specific areas such as Twenty nine Palms, Nevada Automotive Test Center, Yuma Proving Grounds and Marine Corps Mountain Warfare-Bridgeport are close enough to be easily available for use.

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Expand List item 969Collapse List item 969  Headquarters
Amphibious Vehicle Test Branch
Box 555217, Building #210536    
Camp Pendleton, CA 92055

Director  (760) 763-4327
Deputy Director (760) 763-1134
SNCOIC (760) 725-2431
Budget Officer (760) 725-2866
Administration (760) 763-0886
DNCO (760) 725-2601
DNCO Cell (760) 801-1330
Network Support (760) 763-4349
Security (760) 725-2363

Expand List item 970Collapse List item 970  Operations
Amphibious Vehicle Test Branch
Box 555217, Building #210536        
Camp Pendleton, CA 92055    

Operations Officer  (760) 763-4428
Asst. Operations Officer (760) 763-4360
Operations Chief (760) 763-1897
Project Supervisor (760) 763-4743
Test Team Leader (760) 763-2088
Boat Support (760) 763-4429