
MCB Camp Pendleton

MCB Pendleton Seal


Mission Statement:
To provide effective and efficient personnel administration services to all Commanders, their Marines and family members. This includes the obligation of ensuring military personnel are administratively prepared for worldwide deployment with the operating forces. Our goal is to maintain accurate information within the Marine Corps Total Force System and provide quality and timely services in a courteous manner.

Vision Statement:
As the Marine Corps largest personnel center, this office will be the premier administrative organization that will provide superior personnel services for Commanders, their Marines and family members stationed aboard this installation. This IPAC will remain dedicated in maintaining exceptional administrative readiness by using advanced systems to administratively prepare resources for combat worldwide. It will provide a forward deployed personnel administrative capability through reach-back; minimizing the combat footprint while maximizing system applications. Our organizational values commit us to provide effective administrative services in a professional manner. 

Phone Directory:
(760) 725-5353

Inbound Branch

(760) 725 - 3730
(760) 725 - 5688
(760) 725 – 3758
(760) 715 – 4810

Personnel Support
14 Area: (760) 725-0975
21 Area: (760) 725-7909
43 Area: (760) 763-5583
52 Area: (760) 725-7847
62 Area: (760) 763-9236/7
Wounded Warrior: (760) 725-0975
School of Infantry: (760) 725-7847

Command Support
Deployments: (760) 725-0712
TAD: (760) 763-7790
Reserve: (760) 763-7548
Legal: (760) 725-5656
Pay: (760) 763-7753
Promotions/Limited Duty: (760) 763-7753

Separations: (760) 763-8220/1066
PCS/PCA Orders: (760) 763-1075
Retirements/Resignations: (760) 763-1063/1315