
Prohibited Dog Breed Information

Full or mixed breeds of Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, and canid/wolf hybrids are prohibited aboard Marine Corps installations.

Owners requesting to get their companion animals waived under this policy must ensure their dog passes a nationally recognized temperament test at the owners' expense. Accepted tests include the Canine Good Citizen test (AKC) and the Delta Test (Delta Society). Questionable animals may be referred to a board-certified veterinary behaviorist.

If a domestic animal is deemed dangerous or vicious, it will be prohibited from Marine Corps installations.

Visitors, sponsors, and their family members WILL NOT bring prohibited canine breeds aboard any Marine Corps installation at any time. In every case, sponsors are fully responsible for their visitors’ pet dogs while aboard Marine Corps installations

Owners with prohibited dog breeds may bring their pets on base to access services provided by on-base U.S. Army Veterinary Treatment Facilities. Prohibited breeds may enter Camp Pendleton for the sole purpose of obtaining care and are only permitted to travel immediately to and from the veterinary treatment facility with no other stops aboard the installation authorized.


For more information:

Animal Shelter
Building 25132
Monday - Wednesday 10:00 - 3:30
Thursday - Sunday 10:00 - 4:30
(760) 725-8120