
MCB Camp Pendleton
MCB Pendleton Seal


PFAS Drinking Water Sampling Notification

The Department of Defense (DoD) issued a policy in 2020 to sample drinking water for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) at all DoD owned and operated drinking water systems. Using U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-approved PFAS sampling methods, Camp Pendleton has been testing its drinking water monthly for PFAS. A recent test on April 5, 2023 detected PFHxS, a PFAS chemical, at a concentration of 8.7 parts per trillion (ppt) PFHxS.  There is currently no federal EPA drinking water regulation for any PFAS chemicals, including PFHxS. EPA recently proposed PFAS drinking water regulations, including those covering PFHxS. Consistent with DoD policy, we are posting these PFAS sampling results to notify our Camp Pendleton residents and employees, and will include additional information on the quality of our water in our annual drinking water Consumer Confidence Report. 

If you have any questions concerning PFAS in Camp Pendleton's drinking water, you can also visit the Interactive Customer Evaluation site, here

For more information about Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) you can also visit, here


Inside The Reports
This reports provide information on the quality of the water provided to residents and personnel who worked aboard Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton (MCB CamPen). Included are details about where the water comes from, what it contains, and how it compares to established drinking water standards.

Este informe contiene información muy importante sobre su agua potable. Tradúzcalo o hable con alguien que lo entienda bien.

Drinking Water Sources
Unlike most of Southern California, which relies on imported water supplies, nearly all of MCB CamPen’s drinking water comes from local groundwater sources. Wells located on the base supply water to all portions of MCB CamPen except for San Mateo Point Housing, which receives water from the South Coast Water District. Residents of San Mateo Point Housing should receive a consumer confidence report from this off-base water supplier.

Water Service Areas
MCB CamPen provides water to the base through one of two drinking water systems:

Northern Water System: Services all areas north of Las Pulgas Road except for the 43 Area and San Mateo Point housing. Wells located in the San Onofre and San Mateo River basins supply water to this water system.

Southern Water System: Services the 43 Area and all areas south and southeast of Las Pulgas Road. Wells located in the Las Pulgas and Santa Margarita River basins supply water to this water system.

Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton