Frequently Asked Questions
What is the process for sponsoring a foreign visitor?
MCO 5530.13 requires that sponsors notify the Visitor Center (building 20255T) 96 hours prior to the foreign national’s arrival on Camp Pendleton. This allows the Visitor Center sufficient time to submit their information for background checks and screening. Once screened, the Visitor Center will issue the foreign national a visitor pass (DBIDS credential with restricted markings to identify the visitor as a foreign national). The foreign national must then be escorted by the DoD Affiliate sponsor at all times and is not permitted unescorted access.
Who is allowed on Camp Pendleton?
Any person who has provided acceptable credentials and identification, command or representative sponsorship, an escort, or a DBIDS pass.
What IDs are accepted for base access?
1. Common Access Card
2. Uniformed Services ID (Family / Retiree)
3. Federal Personal Identity Verification (PIV) enabled for Camp Pendleton access
4. Camp Pendleton enabled Defense Biometric Identification System (DBIDS) visitor pass or credential
Can I meet my visitor at the gate to bring them on base?
Those who wish to escort a visitor through the Trusted Traveler program, or escorted access are encouraged to meet their visitor at the Visitor’s Center parking lot and physically escort them through the main gate affirming to the sentry on post who they will be escorting.
What are the processes for command guests, teachers, volunteers or NFEs?
Command guests, teachers, volunteers, members of non-federal entities, and non-DoD base residents will apply for a DBIDS pass as determined by their access requirements and sponsor. Command guests are authorized to participate in the specific base activity for which they were sponsored. This process is coordinated by the Visitor Center.
Who is considered a visitor to the base?
Any person who does not have DoD affiliation or a valid base access credential.
Can I access Camp Pendleton to utilize the Naval Hospital?
Those with acceptable credentials and official business at NHCP may be granted access to the installation. For more information contact NHCP at 760-725-1288/1289/1290.
What might keep a visitor from getting on base?
Persons requesting access to Marine Corps sites will be denied access to the site and/or debarred from the site if:
(1) Marine Corps personnel are unable to verify the individual’s claimed identity based on reasonable belief the person submitted fraudulent identity information in the attempt to gain access.
(2) The individual has a conviction for espionage, sabotage, sedition, treason, terrorism, armed robbery, or murder.
(3) The individual has a felony conviction for a firearms or explosives violation, regardless of the date of conviction.
(4) The individual has been convicted of crimes encompassing sexual assault or rape.
(5) The individual has been convicted of crime encompassing child molestation, or the possession or production of child pornography.
(6) The individual has been convicted of trafficking in persons.
(7) The individual is a registered sex offender.
(8) The individual has been convicted of drug possession with intent to sell or distribute.
(9) The individual has an active arrest warrant from federal, state, local, or other civil authorities, regardless of offense or violation.
(10) The individual has a felony conviction within the last 10 years, regardless of the offense or violation.
(11) The individual’s name appears on any federal or state agency watch list for criminal behavior or terrorist activity.
(12) The individual is debarred entry or access to a Marine Corps site, other DoD installations or facilities, or other federal site or facility.
(13) The individual engaged in acts or activities designed to overthrow the U.S. Government by force.
(14) The individual is known to be or reasonably suspected of being a terrorist or belongs to an organization with known terrorism links/support.
(15) The individual is identified in the NCIC KST file, or the TSDB report as known to be, or suspected of being, a terrorist or belonging to an organization with known links to terrorism or support of terrorist activity.
(a) If an individual is identified on the NCIC KST files or TSDB, PMO/MCPD or other designated site security personnel will immediately call the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) Multiple Threat Alert Center (MTAC) for further coordination. The MTAC will coordinate with the
Department of Justice (DOJ) or FBI and provide handling instructions to PMO/MCPD or other designated site security personnel.
(b) Site access control personnel shall strictly follow the DOJ/FBI engagement protocols as directed by MTAC personnel.
(16) The individual has criminal arrest information that the site commander determines the person presents a threat to the good order, discipline, or health and safety on the Marine Corps site.
Who do I contact for more questions?
For more information contact the Visitor Center at (760) 763-8435