
MCB Camp Pendleton

MCB Pendleton Seal


Camp Pendleton provides environmental training through a number of classroom and online course offerings.  The training is available for Marine Corps Base and tenant unit personnel whose jobs and or duties, per environmental regulations and Marine Corps policy, require it.   

Available classroom training:
Click here for a list of classroom courses offered by Environmental Security (Building 2282)

Available online courses:
Click here for a list of online courses available on MarineNet

To register for environmental training, contact Environmental Security at (760) 725-9775/9776 or

For a checklist to obtain the 8056 MOS (officers), click here
For a checklist to obtain the 8056 MOS (enlisted), click here

Environmental Compliance Coordinators.   Environmental compliance coordinators meet on the second Tuesday of each month from 1330-1430 in Building 2282.  G-3/4, S-3/4, Environmental Officers, and HAZMAT personnel are also welcome to attend.