
MCB Camp Pendleton

MCB Pendleton Seal

Classroom Training


The following courses are offered at Camp Pendleton’s environmental classroom (Building 2282):

Hazardous Waste (HW) Handler Course (3 days):  This course instructs personnel on how to properly handle, store, and dispose of HW and respond to spills (HAZWOPER Operations level).  This course is required for all Environmental Compliance Coordinators and personnel who are responsible for handling or managing hazardous waste sites.  Course Prerequisite:  USMC Introduction to HM/HW course, available on MarineNet.  Bring a copy of your completion certificate for the prerequisite course with you on the first day of the Hazardous Waste Handler 3 day course.

8-HR HW Handler Refresher:  This course is required to maintain certification as a Hazardous Waste Handler and must be completed within 12 months of completing the initial Hazardous Waste Handler Course or previous Hazardous Waste 8-hour Hazardous Waste Handler Refresher course.


8-HR HM/HW (Fuel) Operator:  This course instructs Marine Corps motor vehicle operators in the proper transport of hazardous waste and hazardous materials (fuel) in accordance with CFR Title 49, Defense Transportation Regulation, and Tactical Motor Transport Licensing Official’s Manual.  Course Prerequisite: USMC Hazardous Material Transportation for Drivers online course, available on MarineNet


Click here to download the MCB Camp Pendleton environmental training fillable nomination letter


To register for environmental training, contact the Environmental Security Training Section at 725-9775/9776 or

**Environmental Compliance Coordinators meet (mandatory) on the second Tuesday of each month from 1330-1430 in Building 2282.  G-3/4, S-3/4, Environmental Officers, and HAZMAT personnel are also welcome to attend.


COURSE REGISTRATION: The first 20 students will be registered for in person attendance, but we can host 10 virtually along with the in person attendees. Submit a nomination letter (Attachment A) to the Training Section via email. Nominations must be submitted through your unit’s Environmental Compliance Coordinator (ECC). Ensure nomination is hand or digitally signed and submitted TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO CLASS. Course start times are 0730 and is conducted in building 2282.

* This course has an online pre-requisite: USMC Introduction to HM/HW; available on MarineNet. Students must upload this certificate on the MarineNet MOODLE site and complete a read ahead as a first assignment. Virtual Class adobe link is: The password will come from an announcement via MOODLE. Virtual attendees must conduct a TECHNICAL (TECH) CHECK the Friday before the course at 1000 to ensure access to the class website and course materials. Nominees who do not conduct the Tech Check on the prescribed date will be contacted for disenrollment.

** This course has an online pre-requisite: USMC-Hazardous Material Transportation for Drivers: available on MarineNet. Students attending must upload this certificate on the MarineNet MOODLE and complete lesson one read ahead as a first assignment.
Virtual Class link is Virtual attendees must conduct a TECHNICAL (TECH) CHECK the Wednesday before the course at 1330 to ensure access to the class website and retrieve required course materials. Nominees who do not conduct the Tech Check on the prescribed date will be contacted for disenrollment.

I MEF requires Security Awareness class to be taken online at, New Users click on “register now”, once registered enroll in “8.0 Security Requirements” and take the course. Certificate to this class is submitted to your licensing official.

***The mandatory monthly Environmental Compliance Coordinator Meeting (ECM) for unit ECC’s is held the second Tuesday of every month in Building 2282 from 1330-1430. This meeting is also open to all military and civilian employees that have HM/HW environmental responsibilities. The ECM virtual link is: when conducted virtually.

1. Course nomination letters must be submitted by the unit ECC. Ensure the nomination is hand or digitally signed by the ECC, then forward course nomination letters and training requests to:

2. Students seeking AMOS 8056 (HM/HW Marine) must complete the Introduction to HM/HW course (online via MarineNet:

Step 1: Attend classroom HM/HW Handler course.

Step 2: Download AMOS 8056 enlisted or officer that requires Battalion Commander signature.

Step 3: Complete all installation specific additional training courses (Environmental Training Classroom Online)

Step 4: Request permission to access MOODLE 8056 and submit by uploading ALL of the completed certificates in Moodle at: and email or bring the signed MOS 8056 checklist to the Environmental Security Training Section (Building 2282) for approval.

Step 5: The completed checklist with Commanding Officer signature may also be emailed to with a digital signature.

3. To schedule onsite unit training (pending availability of instructors), or for any other questions, please contact the Training Section by email at or by phone.

Points of Contact: Training Classroom (760) 725-9775/9776/7308
Mr. Juan Montez
Mr. Robert Casillas
Mr. Paul Vogel