
MCB Camp Pendleton
MCB Pendleton Seal

Live-fire training ranges surround what is essentially one large impact area in the middle of the Camp Pendleton. Due to the high volume of live-fire training and the nature of the ordnance and ammunition fired, there is the potential for vegetation fires. Camp Pendleton averages approximately 185 training related vegetation fires annually. 

In recognition of southern California's historical vulnerability to fires, the impact area, the training ranges and the boundaries of the base are buffered by a network of 164 miles of fire breaks. To compliment the protection afforded by the fire break system, the type and scope of live-fire training conducted is regulated by what we refer to as the Fire Danger Rating.

The FDR is essentially a risk-mitigation process that considers the effects of weather, humidity, vegetation and moisture content. This process restricts, and in some cases prohibits activities that could increase the likelihood of a vegetation fire.

Camp Pendleton is also supported by the Camp Pendleton Fire Department. CPFD is a full-service fire department, which provides a robust firefighting capability for the installation.  CPFD is comprised of 175 firefighters & emergency services personnel located at 11 fire stations spread across Camp Pendleton.

CPFD’s firefighting equipment includes: (7) Type I Engines (Pumpers), (10) Type III Engines (Wildland), a 75-foot Aerial Ladder Truck and a 105-foot Aerial Ladder Truck.

In the event of a fire that could be a threat to the safety, health or property of Camp Pendleton, it's residents and the residents of the surrounding community, pertinent information will be posted to Camp Pendleton's social media sites.

Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton